April midmonth 2022 Tarot Forecast

This month’s themes are celebration and reflection. Big changes are in the works for everyone, and while the process of change can be joyful for some and painful for others, we must all find the strength to accept and go through it.

Life is about movement and growth, and we should celebrate it every day.

For this month’s reading, I used the Rider-Waite Tarot to pick a card for each zodiac sign to see what the rest of the month holds. Please note that reversed cards are indicated with an (R).


ARIES (21 March-20 April) – 9 of Wands

9 of wands

  • Some Aries who are saving for retirement or who feel they are overspending their budget must also learn to balance their needs and priorities. For example, you do not need to cut back on food, going out to eat, or your health needs in order to save money or keep your bank account from deflating.
  • For some Aries who have made investments in the past few years in real estate, stocks, retirement funds, or even people, now is the time to evaluate how well these investments have performed. You may not be seeing the growth that you expect or that has been promised to you. The challenge for you is to either be patient or to abandon investments with low returns. However, I must admit that each of those has the potential to grow. This advice also applies to Aries who are interested in investing in cryptocurrency. Alter your investment strategy. The card also advises you not to start anything new without first consolidating what you have. 
  • The same is true for those who have a list of plans or tasks. Instead of being led astray by anxiety, learn to prioritize.
  • For other Aries who are feeling “stuck,” whether literally or in a relationship, job, or home situation, the card advises you to get moving right away, and to travel “light,” which could mean leaving behind unnecessary items or concerns that are keeping you stuck where you are.


TAURUS (21 April-20 May) – 2 of Wands (R )

2 of Wands

• Some Tauruses are returning to an old place or home, a past job or hobby, or even a past relationship. However, this move will either be favorable or irreversible. Though there may be some resistance as you move into it, the “familiarity” makes you want to do it regardless. If this is an old job, you might be assigned to a new role.
• Should this scenario of opportunity be presented to you, the next chapter of your life will be a mix of new and old, familiar and unfamiliar, comfortable and overwhelming.
• Other Tauruses may be on the verge of witnessing how times have changed – from traditional to technological, or from one-on-one relationships to online relationships. The problem is figuring out how to reconcile these changes in your head, as there is some reluctance to adapt to the new situation.


GEMINI (21 May-20 June) – The Moon

The Moon Tarot

• Most Geminis, I feel, have their minds set on the distant future, which causes them anxiety. However, for some Geminis in this situation, it may be your way of coping with daily, present stress, or your way of escaping stress or dissatisfaction. I’m sensing some blockages for you this month. But there’s a good reason for it. Why? Because there’s something you need to take care of first before moving forward into the “future.”
• Also, you think you’re using your “intuition” to get through certain situations in your life, but the truth is that you want to be in charge of how things go. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing to do, but “fate” is teaching you to trust the process and avoid taking shortcuts.
• Other Geminis, on the other hand, are experiencing the total opposite, which is doubting the blessings or signs that direct them down the right path.


CANCER (21 June-22 July) – 6 of Swords

6 of swords Tarot

• The card is telling you that the worst is over and all you have to do now is keep moving forward. If you notice that the other half of the water is calm while the other half, where you are paddling, is “wavy,” this is because the waves are aiding you in moving forward to reach the shore. Isn’t it amazing that your boat didn’t sink despite the weight of the swords and your two passengers? These swords are also balancing your weight so that your boat does not capsize. This card is saying that everything – including disappointments and hardships – has a reason for happening. They enable you in becoming more focused and determined in the path you are on or have chosen to take, as well as instilling a sense of responsibility in you.
• Being sensitive is a challenge for some Cancerians this month, as you seem to magnify your troubling thoughts or feelings. They are interfering with your ability to stay on track. In addition, the card warns you against isolating yourself simply because you have been hurt.


LEO (23 July-22 August) – Page of Cups

Page of Cups

• You must be eager to hear from someone you despise so much! I have the impression that you are already planning what you will say to this person when you hear from them again. Although you appear to be in the mood to argue and demand an explanation, you know that in the end, you want to reestablish your relationship with this person, or at the very least be on speaking terms with them.
• Other Leos may be thinking about not making it easy on the other person. They must prove that they are worthy of your time and attention, correct? That strategy is just for fun for you, but it may turn the person off.
• In general, Leos are changing their communication style because you only want authenticity. That is fine, but the tendency to be overly in control of a situation or passion (or, at least, to appear so to others) is strong this month.


VIRGO (23 August-22 September) – The Moon (R)

The Moon Tarot

• This month, I believe, is the time to “purging yourself” of old beliefs, expectations, and even negative attitudes. You’re figuring out what you want out of life or a relationship, and you’re becoming more open to changes and the unpredictability of life. A profound month for you, Virgo, since you understand that some old habits can only stymie your new beginnings in life.
• Other Virgos’ concerns this month are age and time (or situations related to these two). The card advises you to shift your focus to the fantastic opportunities and possibilities that are still available to you. Make a name for yourself as a legend in your own lifetime.


LIBRA (23 September-22 October) – The Tower

The Tower tarot

• This card represents choices that you are unable to make. This month, some Libras want to avoid the consequences of a decision (your own or someone else close to you). You don’t know which course of action to take to avoid disaster or at least lessen its impact. If you are in a work or relationship situation, you believe that the damage has already been done and that there is no way to repair it. In this case, your decision to leave is the best option. Change is an unavoidable occurrence.
• The card warns other Libras to carefully examine any offers or contracts.
• This card also advises you to avoid gossip or scandalous situations (including entering into third-party relationships, in which case you should ensure that your partner is not committed to someone else).


SCORPIO (23 October-22 November)  – The High Priestess

The High Priestess Tarot

• You are encouraged to broaden your sphere of influence, and you will have several opportunities to do so this month and in the coming months. Use your ideas to reach out to people or form groups with similar interests. Strip away your inhibitions because this is the only way to reach your full potential.
• I also see some Scorpios working behind the scenes on something that has the potential to go viral.
• For new ventures or projects, you don’t need any connections; simply send your resume or update your professional profile on social media.


SAGITTARIUS (23 November-21 December) – 9 of Wands

9 of wands Tarot

• Dissatisfaction forces you to do things differently or explore options you did not want to consider previously.
• Some Sagittarians are also concerned about their home situation, such as privacy or not becoming overwhelmed by duties that must be overseen all at once. Perhaps you’re wondering why others can’t see that you’re only human! The card is telling you that you do not have to please everyone. Handle only what you can and don’t push yourself too hard. Be content on your own terms.


CAPRICORN (22 December-19 January) – The Tower

The Tower tarot

• To be happy and fulfilled, the card suggests that you start over or reset your life. This can be accomplished by letting go of old patterns of behavior, relationships that are impeding your growth, or managing your expectations.
• It could also imply lowering your “pride.”. More than familiarity, I guess the reason is that you are afraid that change will leave you empty or devastated. Your current situation or relationship is significant to you and provides you with (a sense of) security. But are you content and fulfilled? In its original form, the tower is a fortress that represents your inner desires. However, certain relationships and situations have weakened the fortress. Allow it to crumble and begin rebuilding from the ground up.


AQUARIUS (20 January-19 February)  – The Star (R)

The Star Tarot

• This month, you’re reminiscing about your youth or the past. I see you looking through old photos or listening to a music playlist. You’re taking the time to reflect on happy memories with old friends or loved ones who have passed away.
• Other Aquarians, I see you are nearing a pivotal point in your lives. The card indicates that the world around you is changing and that you are actively participating in this change.
• The card also depicts a trip in the near future, possibly as a result of an invitation.


PISCES (20 February-20 March) – Page of Pentacles

page of pentacles

• Pisces, I believe you will have a lucky streak for the next three months beginning in April. So, take advantage of this time frame to apply for loans or grants, find a job, submit manuscripts, or purchase something you’ve wanted for a long time.
• I also believe that for some Pisces this month, you are highly intuitive, which you can use to make important decisions, especially ones that will affect your future.

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