Those Senior Moments: Ageing Minds,  Invisible Pains, Unwon Battles

Loneliness in elders

In this article, I aim to dig into a concerning yet often overlooked issue—an epidemic silently affecting our elderly population. In our fast-paced, urban-centric lifestyles, the elderly often find themselves inadvertently left behind, facing isolation and neglect. Despite our best intentions, their limited mobility and declining physical health contribute to their increasing isolation, gradually distancing … Read more

“Lola” power: These grannies prove that age is just a number

Photo by Edu Carvalho from Pexels

When I reached 35, I started reassessing my life: asking myself where I am going, what I want to do, how to go about the change, etc. The mental process has taken me weeks, months, years and decades! It should not be hard, right? But I think, the mid-life crisis has that effect of “immobilizing” … Read more