Finding lost objects, getting spirit messages by stilling the mind

The other week, I was asking my angels for any information regarding the “whereabouts” of my deceased mother – has she reached her destination, that is, in “heaven”? Has she met her earth family yet – her parents, my Lolo and Lola; her brother, her daughter (my eldest sister), my dad, her ex-boyfriends, her other relatives? Has my mom found her way to God and finally got her well-deserved break?  These were the questions that I sought for answers and signs.

The Life of Mary by Raphael BrownTwo days later, I was looking out the small window near my glass coffee table and this book, entitled, The Life of Mary As Seen By the Mystics (Raphael Brown), placed on top of the stacks of old books next to the table suddenly caught my attention. I was not sure if it was there on other days because I have not been noticing it there. Its location is not even directly in my field of view but I felt the “pull” to look to my left and towards the book stacks. The urge to “read” it came to me. Nevertheless, as I had an article to finish, I deferred reading it for later time. When I turned on my laptop, the plug came off (not a paranormal thing – my laptop’s cable jack is already loose), and so as I reboot the laptop, I picked up the book and browsed.

On the first page was a note I scribbled when I bought the book in 2009. The message was for my eldest sister, Aileen, who died of cancer in 2008. This is what I wrote: “Remembering Ate Eng today, as I went inside St Paul’s @Southmall. “She” gave me this as a sign that she’s with me. I miss and love you Ate. You are still the best eldest sister there is!”

The Life of MaryI take this as the answer to my question about my mother, and it is my sister assuring me that my mother is with her, and the rest of the earth family members on the other side.  That is probably the first tip that I can give you (based on my experience). Whenever I “throw out a question” to the ether, the answer comes within 2-3 days.

How to hear communications
What does it take for ordinary people – meaning , non-“psychic” ones to hear communications from loved ones, or to get answers to our questions about our departed loved ones? By being still.

What I mean by this is that, you tune in to the noise, visual cues, thoughts, and sensations around you. But as you do this, learn how to tune in to those one at a time. You can do this by focusing on one kind of stimuli. For example, ambient noise – let your senses focus on the noise – try to “hear” the faintest of noises and if you can identify them, you may do so (though not necessarily). You can then shift your focus to your thoughts. Usually, based on my experience, when I shift my focus to my thoughts, information come in snippets of mental visuals or even symbols. By symbols, I do not mean archetypal symbols (but that can also happen), but a scene, a vision, or an object, or even a human form, an irregular shape or geometric shapes or colors.
The reason for focusing is to receive the information that are being sent to you or that you anticipate to receive. You cannot receive the information if you are pre-occupied with mental chatter or the work you need to do.

One situation that “being still” can help is when I am trying to find an object, which I misplace. I would ask, “Where is —-? Let me find it/let me show itself to me”. Then I stand still and wait for the transfer of information. It is not unusual that the information seems ludicrous, for example, you will get the nudge to look beneath a bathroom rag when you are looking for a lost key. One important thing to remember is to follow the first nudge without question. The first nudge is usually your subconscious telling you of the right information; the second is the diluted information that has been re-interpreted by your logical mind.

This technique thus applies to receiving information from your angels who will deliver your departed loved ones’ message to you. Honestly, doing preliminary meditation is not necessary. One just has to be still, still the mind and focus on whatever can be felt, can be heard, can be thought of.

Closing the event with gratitude
Inner knowing by receiving internal communications is a gift. Anyone is bestowed with this gift and anyone can master this technique easily. I would recommend that you say “Thank you” as a sign of respect and gratitude to the angels or the good spirit that has delivered the message to you. By giving gratitude, you are opening yourself to receiving more messages when you need them and honing your ability to discern.

Lastly, engage the aid of Archangel Christiel (meaning= one who has Christ in their heart). Archangel Christiel is the guardian of the causal chakra, and helps us achieve peace and quiet the mind from mental chatter to deliver clarity as well as  enable us to receive downloads or information from our higher self and the Divine source.

Prayer to still the mind for discernment
God, still my mind so that I may hear Your voice, more loudly and more clearly,
Amid the mental chatter, let it reverberate within my soul;
The assurance
That you are listening to my prayer
That you are sending me answers,
Showing me signs
Beyond feathers and butterflies,
Casting away any doubts
That you have forgotten about me
or my concerns.
Please bestow upon me the grace of knowing – in the stillness of my mind, please speak to me. Amen.

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