Those Senior Moments: Ageing Minds,  Invisible Pains, Unwon Battles

Loneliness in elders

In this article, I aim to dig into a concerning yet often overlooked issue—an epidemic silently affecting our elderly population. In our fast-paced, urban-centric lifestyles, the elderly often find themselves inadvertently left behind, facing isolation and neglect. Despite our best intentions, their limited mobility and declining physical health contribute to their increasing isolation, gradually distancing … Read more

Intuition: A Key Asset for New Entrepreneurs

Intuition a key asset for new entrepreneurs

Heads up new entrepreneurs! When you start a business, you get lots of advice and ways to make decisions using facts and numbers. Market research, looking at money, and planning are quite important. But there is another invaluable tool that often gets overlooked: Your intuition, sometimes called, the gut feeling. Tapping on the intuition can … Read more

Intuition in the era of AI

Intuition AI robot

This evening, I was listening to a local discussion about the Great Reset initiative, and one of the topics discussed was the rise of automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI). Yes, the artificial intelligence (AI) robots. They appear creepy at first and second glance. I was watching a documentary about sex robots the other night … Read more

If You’re Experiencing a Run of Bad Luck, Do This…

cycle of fortune

Have you ever felt as if you were making one wrong move after another, resulting in a string of misfortunes? Heads up! This article contains affiliate links. I may earn a commission when you buy using these links. Thanks in advance!  Entering a new relationship shortly after leaving a terrible relationship; beginning a new business … Read more