June 2024 New Moon/Full Moon Horoscope for All Signs

June 2024 New Moon/Full Moon Horoscope for All Signs

The New Moon in Gemini, which started on June 6, is expected to bring an opportunity for fresh starts in communication, learning, and social interactions. This is a time to embrace curiosity, adaptability, and expressiveness. Meanwhile, the Full Moon on June 21 will be in the sign of Sagittarius. This full moon emphasizes themes of … Read more

December Tarot Forecast: Mercury Retrograde Edition for All Birth Months

Your December Tarot Forecast Mercury Retrograde Edition for All Birth Months

Wishing you all a joyful holiday season! Aren’t we thrilled about celebrating Christmas and ringing in 2024? This Christmas marks a significant milestone as the nation is finally bouncing back from the challenging aftermath of the 2019-2022 lockdowns and post-pandemic mobility restrictions. Despite new virus mutations and the persistent threat of ‘walking pneumonia,’ the world … Read more

Mourning Moon Tarot Reading for All Zodiac Signs

The Mourning Moon: Tarot Reading A Time for Reflection and Renewal

November New Moon and Full Moon – A Time for Reflection and Renewal In regions with distinct winter seasons, this time brings joy and celebration, yet it holds special meaning for followers of pagan and ancient traditions. As the winter solstice approaches, pagans traditionally engage in a “mourning” process during the last moon before the … Read more

Solar/Lunar Eclipses Tarot Reading for All Signs – October 14 & October 28

lunar solar october 2023 tarot reading

What the Voice of Karma Wants to You to Know? Legends from China, India, Egypt, Incan, Native Americans and other indigenous cultures have their own legends about eclipses. Some believe that these eclipses signify changes, growths or downfall, luck or misfortune and other impactful life events that we need to look out for. In ancient … Read more

Harvest Full Moon in Aries: What It Means for Your Zodiac Sign

Harvest Full Moon in Aries in 12 signs

The Harvest Full Moon in Aries on September 29 carries both astrological and spiritual significance. This event coincides with the autumnal equinox, typically occurring around September 22 or 23 in the Northern Hemisphere, rendering it a powerful period for self-reflection and transformation. In this article, let’s delve into how this event might affect each of … Read more

September’s Superpower Full Moon in Aries

September Full Moon in Aries

The Harvest Full Moon in Aries on September 29th – the last supermoon of 2023, has astrological and spiritual relevance. This event occurs during the autumnal equinox (September 22 or 23 in the Northern Hemisphere), making it a powerful time for reflection and transformation. What this means is that the Harvest Full Moon in Aries … Read more

Lion’s Gate Portal 2023: Manifesting and Transformation

Lion's Gate Portal 2023

Every year, the “Lion’s Gate Portal “emerges when the Leo Sun aligns with the star Sirius, forming a special doorway that opens from July 28 to August 12. The most powerful moment happens on August 8th, when cosmic energies peak. This alignment creates a unique chance for spiritual connection, transformation, and making intentions come alive … Read more

August and Mercury Retrograde for All Signs

August mercury retrograde

Dark side of August – an “inauspicious”, ghost month August is known as the “ghost month” in some cultures or regions, and it is associated with melancholy, hardships, and scarcity. In Chinese tradition, the Ghost Month, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival, is the seventh month of the lunar calendar. This month is considered … Read more

How Venus Retrograde in Leo Will Affect Your Sign?

How Venus retrograde in Leo will affect your sign

From the 22nd of July to the 3rd of September, Venus, the planet of love and pleasure will go retrograde to the sign of Leo – a powerful sign that symbolizes passion, being driven, joviality, self-confidence, the limelight, leadership, courage and more. This period may be complicated, but it will be for the best Around … Read more

July 2023 Tarot Forecast for All Signs

JULY 2023 Tarot Forecast for All Signs

Passion, Truth, Karma in Planetary Retrogrades The focus of this month’s reading is passion, truth, and karma. With three planets going retrograde during this period – Saturn retrograde from June 17 to September 4, Neptune retrograde from June 30 to December 6, and Pluto retrograde from June 1 to October – all signs will experience … Read more