Intuition: A Key Asset for New Entrepreneurs

Intuition a key asset for new entrepreneurs

Heads up new entrepreneurs! When you start a business, you get lots of advice and ways to make decisions using facts and numbers. Market research, looking at money, and planning are quite important. But there is another invaluable tool that often gets overlooked: Your intuition, sometimes called, the gut feeling. Tapping on the intuition can … Read more

Finding Real Happiness, Discovering the Meaning of Joy

Finding happiness discovering joy

I recently watched a new film called “Without You,” featuring David Licauco and Shaira Diaz in leading roles. The movie portrayed a simple yet realistic young romance, touching on character and plot elements that left a lasting impact. Amidst the storyline, a particular statement caught my attention: one of the actors advised the female protagonist … Read more

Lion’s Gate Portal 2023: Manifesting and Transformation

Lion's Gate Portal 2023

Every year, the “Lion’s Gate Portal “emerges when the Leo Sun aligns with the star Sirius, forming a special doorway that opens from July 28 to August 12. The most powerful moment happens on August 8th, when cosmic energies peak. This alignment creates a unique chance for spiritual connection, transformation, and making intentions come alive … Read more

August and Mercury Retrograde for All Signs

August mercury retrograde

Dark side of August – an “inauspicious”, ghost month August is known as the “ghost month” in some cultures or regions, and it is associated with melancholy, hardships, and scarcity. In Chinese tradition, the Ghost Month, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival, is the seventh month of the lunar calendar. This month is considered … Read more

How Venus Retrograde in Leo Will Affect Your Sign?

How Venus retrograde in Leo will affect your sign

From the 22nd of July to the 3rd of September, Venus, the planet of love and pleasure will go retrograde to the sign of Leo – a powerful sign that symbolizes passion, being driven, joviality, self-confidence, the limelight, leadership, courage and more. This period may be complicated, but it will be for the best Around … Read more

Silencing: A Passive Response that Breaks Bonds

silencing response that breaks bonds

Building a wall of silence “Words are like swords, if you use them the wrong way, it’ll turn into ugly weapons, ” according to author, Gosho Aoyama; but I’ve learned the hard way that the absence of words can also harm and scar. I had a disagreement with a friend the other day over how … Read more

July 2023 Tarot Forecast for All Signs

JULY 2023 Tarot Forecast for All Signs

Passion, Truth, Karma in Planetary Retrogrades The focus of this month’s reading is passion, truth, and karma. With three planets going retrograde during this period – Saturn retrograde from June 17 to September 4, Neptune retrograde from June 30 to December 6, and Pluto retrograde from June 1 to October – all signs will experience … Read more

How to allow Angels to help us

how to allow angels to help us

My personal encounters with angels Do you believe in Angels? What did they seem like to you? I’ve encountered Angels in “physical form, “one of whom resembled a Christian image of an Angel – dressed in white, with a pair of wings, taller than usual, with longish hair, and a serene face. Another one looked … Read more

DIY 3-step anti-narcissist game plan

DIY 3-step anti-narcissist game plan

With information about health and disorder already available online, identifying a narcissistic personality is becoming easier. Even if the person you’re dealing with has “narcissistic-like” traits like selfishness, grandiosity, thoughtlessness, and so on; or has a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), at the end of the day, it’s still a relationship with a high health cost … Read more

Intuition in the era of AI

Intuition AI robot

This evening, I was listening to a local discussion about the Great Reset initiative, and one of the topics discussed was the rise of automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI). Yes, the artificial intelligence (AI) robots. They appear creepy at first and second glance. I was watching a documentary about sex robots the other night … Read more