Snapshots from within the Walled City

Intramuros photo from Philippine History.Org

Flashback to two decades ago: When I was still working as a staff writer at a (now defunct) lifestyle magazine, my weekend R&R meant going to Intramuros, also referred to as the “walled city”, where acoustic musicians entertained a small crowd of amblers with the popular strains of Paolo Santos’s “Moonlight over Paris”, Jimmy Bondoc’s … Read more

(Little) history of Akustik music in the Philippines

Photo by Roudy Salameh from Pexels

A huge following of the Filipino Y-generation –the millennial generation that makes up the demographics of 1980 through the present –dedicate their weekends (and paydays) to trooping to bars for a sampling of music from the likes of Nyoy Volante, Paolo Santos, Jimmy Bondoc, DJ Alvaro, to name a few. These emerging breed of young … Read more

A dream job is a myth and here’s why

Dream job is a myth and here's why

According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) 2018 data, an estimated 61.4 to 3.5 million of the total 5.7 million individuals 15 years old and over are actively engaged in the labour market either working or looking for work (labour force participation). The labour force expands yet opportunities for employment contracts. Developing countries like the … Read more

I ran a barbershop business and failed (sort of)


There is nothing prestigious or celebratory about my post title-cum-revelation: a story about failure, how can that be glorifying? Flashback: In 2007, I enrolled in a haircutting class of a prominent Filipino hairstylist as preparation for starting a barbershop business in our hometown in Bulacan, a first-class province from north of Manila. I had a … Read more