September 2021 Tarot Forecast for All Signs

Forget me Not flower for September

September is the ninth month of the year, however it is the seventh month in the Roman calendar. September is my favorite month because it is my birth month! So, a shout out to all of my September birthday celebrants (email me and I’ll send you a free reading!). September marks the beginning of our … Read more

Mid-Month August Tarot Forecast for All Signs


The month has brought the world bad news – from the ongoing coronavirus mutations saga, which is now bringing on the Delta and other variants as emerging threats; the deadly floods in China from July, which are still making headlines this month; the recent 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Haiti, which killed hundreds; and the Taliban … Read more

Shadow lives of single women

The Spinster Evert Larock (1865-1901)

Today is Friday the 13th – a day replete with ominous superstitions metaphorically represented by black cats, bogey man,  cauldron-stirring witches, and more. How about the image of an old lady sitting behind a creaking spinning wheel – how does it make you feel? Spooky? Sinister?  Yes, she is called a spinster – possibly brewing … Read more

August: When lost spirits roam and rites of salvation

incense burning practice

Halloween is in November but there is another month that is associated with “ghosts”. In several Asian cultures, August is also called the Hungry Ghost Month – the seventh lunar month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar. On the 15th lunar day of this month, this Buddhist-Taoist festival is celebrated. That means, this year, it is celebrated … Read more

Mid-month July Tarot Forecast for All Signs

Tarot reading all zodiac July mid-month

The month of July is what I consider the cusp of the year, even though June is the 6th month and is thus, the middle of the year.  But I feel that July is a calmer month since things have settled in following uncertainties, anticipations and adjustments we might have encountered from early in the … Read more

May 2021 Tarot forecast all signs

May is springtime for us here. I remember the fire tree – which we call Calabllero that we had in our old house in Bulacan. For me, it was the most awesome tree in our neighborhood. May evokes the energy of new beginnings, of fun, of reunions. It is also because, during May, many towns … Read more

Sun signs: Who is your lucky wealth charm?

Sun signs: Who is your lucky wealth charm?

“Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are”, is a rather “judgmental” quote, and which I believe is no longer applicable at this day and age when cultural, social, moral, and gender equality is becoming the norm in human interactions. But in the area of building our material empire, some … Read more

Astrological signs’ career, business mini-guide

Astrological signs' career and business snap guide

This pandemic has certainly created disruptions in our personal lives. It has altered our career plans. Everyone is anticipating that everything turns back to “normal” or at least to the next normal where we can go about our daily lives sans the mobility restrictions and finally execute our career and wealth plans. In this article, … Read more